WAMS – Helping Australian Universities Everywhere Manage Their Workloads

Why use an the WAMS academic workload management system

Our workload management system, WAMS, is providing Australian Universities with a valuable platform to assist in their management of academic workloads, produce casual proformas, and plan their resources for future years.

We would love to help more universities and offer 90 day trials of the full WAMS software! We can also assist by offering demonstrations, the sharing of knowledge between universities regarding the internal development of workload models. Feel free to contact us to see how to get started using WAMS like our many happy clients: https://academ.com.au/contact-us/

Our clients are as follows, and here are some of the reasons they use WAMS.

WAMS Clients
  • Developed by Academics for Academics

WAMS is developed and used by the University of Southern Queensland, so you can be assured the system aligns with academic requirements. And with research papers and tools to assist you in developing your workload. 

  • Casual academic workload management and proforma creation 

Manage your casual staff free of charge and produce proformas through WAMS, to save time and ensure accuracy. 

  • Create draft sections to compare workload models

Creating drafts assists our university in planning for the future and ensuring resources are effectively used throughout faculties, schools and the broader university community. 

  • Supports multiple workload models

With multiple models between faculties, we can report on these differences and align our methods by having practical discussions on the management of workloads. 

  • No more spreadsheets, cell formulas or row copying

You won’t lose your data, and you can be confident in the validity and reliability of your workload management. 

  • Role based access

Provide users with different roles and responsibilities to make workload management decisions a more collaborative and inclusive process. 

  • Historical scenarios for reference and reporting

Historical data easily allows the team to review any changes to workload allocations or restore previous versions of a scenario.