Your new academic workload management system

Academic workload management system clients

Our WAMS Academic workload management system, built by The University of Southern Queensland’s computing department, in response to their growing need for a centralised workload management tool, is now expanding across universities in Australia. And we know why!

Traditionally workload management has been a segregated process managed by internally built excel sheets or access databases. This means that when staff leave, sometimes their knowledge of the workload management tool goes with them, as was the case at USQ. Other times the excel sheets are riddled with inconsistencies, errors and complicated formulas, making it difficult to sustain over time. 

Why use an the WAMS academic workload management system
Don’t manage workloads alone

You can find Stijn Dekyser’s research about the need for WAMS here:

WAMS is here to solve these problems. By using the WAMs system you can say goodbye to complicated lookups, and management of access databases, and hello to a cross management platform. Which is so easy to use, we have clients giving access to all staff to create their own draft workload allocations. Improving transparency of the process. The hosted system also ensures that your team never loses data or the expertise required to run your workload management system. 

So can WAMS manage your workload model effectively? 

Academic workload modelling

By using an Academic workload management system your team are able to handle a multitude of various workload model types, from EFTSL to hours and points-based models. WAMS is customisable to ensure it can handle all workload models used throughout Australia.

It handles both linear and exponential calculations and various allocation types, including automatic updating of student numbers against your workload allocations. 

Academic Workload Management Framework

It also allows for different calculations to be used across sections, so different faculties with different models can still use the same centrally managed workload system. 

The management of academic workloads

The management of academic workloads is made so easy with WAMS, that soe of our clients now even allow their staff to access WAMS to enter their own draft workload allocations. 

And you never lose and data with drafts and scenarios keeping track of all workload changes. 

Find out even more reasons why WAMS is being used across Australia here:

WAMS encourages a collaborative and transparent workload management process. So contact us now to see how you can use scenarios, role management and the flexible workload management of WAMS to allow users at various levels to manage their workloads. Never lose data, and be rid of complicated spreadsheets and access databases!