WAMS: Managing Fair and Transparent Workload Allocation

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Widespread negative reporting  in 2023 of wage and Enterprise Bargaining (EBA) implementation disputes highlighted the imperative for Australian universities to standardise their processes and control of staff work allocation.

Beyond the evident transparency and efficiency benefits, robust, verifiable record-keeping has become a mission-critical shield against potential litigation and reputational damage. In an era where legal scrutiny on fair employment practices is intensifying, comprehensive documentation and consistent whole-of-institution implementation of EBA agreements and standardised practices of work allocations demonstrates adherence to regulatory requirements.

Academ’s software solution WAMS, the Workload Allocation and Management System, provides a proven, systematic approach for standardising EBA into work allocation, management and reporting of both permanent and casual staff. Now in use at several Australian universities, WAMS, originally developed by academics at the University of Southern Queensland, is a modern and sophisticated academic workload management system that allows users to manage and SEE workload allocation data in real-time.

Flexible charting views

flexible charting options in WAMS

WAMS provides a centralized, online platform for documenting and managing work allocation, increasing transparency and trust. Using WAMS, universities can ensure that academic workloads are distributed equitably, only use established workplace agreement reward standards and meet regulatory guidelines. The system fosters trust among faculty members and reduces the likelihood of disputes over unpaid wages.

Furthermore, our clients tell us that WAMS is a powerful tool for optimizing resource management within universities. WAMS dashboard visualisations and analytical tools enable institutions to:

  • analyze workload distribution patterns
  • identify cost of teaching and marking provisions for units and Schools
  • over and under use of casuals or continuing staff
  • make informed decisions about staff resource allocation
  • assess faculty productivity

Identify Hours & Costs

course workload summaries - identify hours and costs

Data-driven approach facilitates timely, evidence-based decision-making, allowing school, faculty and university leaders to see work-allocation metrics in real-time. This speeds up the cycle of identifying issues, improving efficiency and cost-control and supporting continuous improvement.

At the University of Newcastle, Academ supported the university with system and change management services to implement a university wide workload model. The integrations with university systems and WAMS robust reporting features have improved efficiency and contributed to compliance with governance and regulatory requirements. Comprehensive, personal staff-facing reports have helped the university demonstrate its commitment to staff to implement ethical and transparent practices.

Staff reports

staff workload report example

In conclusion, while the challenges posed by recent controversies on work allocation, wage management and EBA implementation underscore the importance of meticulous record-keeping and standardised work-allocation processes, WAMS offers a comprehensive approach to systematically address these challenges.

WAMS provides the systematic approach universities need to standardise key operational requirements in work allocation. As universities strive to improve practices or continuously improve work allocation management, integrating advanced systems like WAMS reduces  institutional risks, improves efficiency and fosters a culture of fairness.

Learn more about WAMS by Academ or Contact Us about a demonstration or trial.

WAMS by Academ