WAMS: Managing Fair and Transparent Workload Allocation

WAMS by Academ Logo

Widespread negative reporting  in 2023 of wage and Enterprise Bargaining (EBA) implementation disputes highlighted the imperative for Australian universities to standardise their processes and control of staff work allocation. Beyond the evident transparency and efficiency benefits, robust, verifiable record-keeping has become a mission-critical shield against potential litigation and reputational damage. In an era where legal […]

WAMS: The most comprehensive system for managing academic workloads

Academ's clients

Managing academic workload allocations can be a complex and time-consuming task for universities. With each school or department often using their own methods and models, it can be difficult to keep track of everything and ensure consistency and fair and efficient work allocations. However, a new solution has emerged to address these challenges. The Workload […]

Making the invisible, visible: Tracking student competencies for university entry

student attribute & capability assessment

UTS CIC and U@U Academy are using REVIEW’s unique approach to describing assessment against capability development as the basis for a twenty-first century approach to tertiary preparation and entry. Using REVIEW’s ability to describe, assess and track competency, capability or attribute development, CIC have supported U@U Academy to help staff and students ‘see’ their capability […]

U@Uni Academy and REVIEW: Unlocking student ‘true colours’.

Academ gives a big shout out to Sarah Ellis for celebrating three years using REVIEW to manage student evaluations on the U@Uni Academy Program. As featured on the Channel Nine news, the Program provides an ‘opportunity to shine’, an alternative university entry pathway for hundreds of low socio-economic background students to study at UTS Sydney. […]

Revolutionise Marking with Review


Review is helping schools and universities across Australia revolutionise their marking criteria. Review refocuses the marking criteria, changing the way students engage with their assessments. As a result, students gain a greater understanding of their personal development. This is done by tracking five core skills in Review; Communication, Attitudes, Practical, Research and Innovation with every […]

21st Century Schools


Project Based Learning is a new teaching method which focuses on the skills and attributes of students in schools, rather than their ability to memorise and recite information. Moving away from an exam based assessment module to an engaging and student-focused projects module.  But implementing project based learning in primary and secondary education is not […]

Your new academic workload management system

Academic workload management system clients

Our WAMS Academic workload management system, built by The University of Southern Queensland’s computing department, in response to their growing need for a centralised workload management tool, is now expanding across universities in Australia. And we know why! Traditionally workload management has been a segregated process managed by internally built excel sheets or access databases. […]

Moodle development

Moodle Development

Do you need an experienced Moodle development team to complete any customisations and your educational institution? Recently Academ made the business decision to support moodle development and customisation. Building upon our experience with custom development for universities and schools across Australia, such as the University of Technology Sydney, the University of New South Wales, and […]